• I should get back into writing again.

    I found a couple *really* old and not so well done things I’ve written in the past, mostly half-finished stories I’d forgotten which direction I wanted them to head in, and it got me to thinking… I haven’t actually written anything in forever. Well, aside from here, anyway–but not quite the kind of writing I’m talking about. So, one of these days, I’ll get back into doing it… and it might even end up here. Don’t count on it, but you know… stranger things have happened. Like me actually having a blog after my Live Journal attempt kind of floppededed.

  • You know too much is happening when you don’t have time to blog.

    Well, on the bright side, part of the too much that’s happening is I’m back on staff at Eternal Struggle, better known as that place that’s stolen all my RP ability. So when I can I’ve been getting caught up with things there and helping out wherever. Aside from that… eh. Reality sucks. But we know this already. Maybe next time I post something it’ll have more content to it. Not making any promises, mind you.

  • My educational plan of action–AKA what I’ll do when I’m not lazy…

    I’ve narrowed down what I want to take should I actually afford to go back to school. Now, it’s a toss-up between a music degree (I do play piano, after
    all though not in a while), to do with networking/information technology/computer geeky stuffs, to something as simple (relatively?) as conflict resolution. I still kick around the idea every once in a while about getting into the criminal law side of things, but I doubt I could come up with the tuition for that and still be sane… well, as sane as I am now. Which… isn’t really. But oh well. But, I’m still tossing that idea around here and there because I’ve always liked that kinda thing. I have absolutely no idea why beyond the fact it’s an excuse to argue with someone. And I do love a good argument. *cackles* Well, at least now it’s narrowed down. Phase 2: $$$!

  • This is so relevant it’s not funny.

    Okay, so not relevant to the last entry I posted here. Big flippin’ deal. I keep hearing this particular song on the radio and, well, needless to say it almost always makes me think of certain people, and the repeating hell they go through either by choice or otherwise. The problems aren’t exactly the same, well okay so they’re not really the same in the slightest. But that isn’t why I’m doing it. So, anyway. First time I heard this song the first thought that popped into my head was basicly “I keep *telling* these people that”. Or something like it anyway. And maybe not quite so literally. Basicly, the song’s about a couple who’s managed to go through all kinds of problems, or so I’m gathering by it anyway, but it was the overall sentiment I was aiming for. Basicly, the song… which I might as well link to here, explains that the only way you’re going to get what you want out of anything, be it love, life or both, is if you want it badly enough that you’re willing to fight for it, no matter what. There’s gonna be pain before you find love–that’s a guarantee. But if it’s worth it, you’ll want to work through that pain to get to whatever it is that makes you happy. I think a lot of that has to do with the whole having strength and actually being able to trust yourself to put things behind you and get through it. That, and if you have someone with you to actually be there for you, it makes coming through things in one piece just that much easier. The song’s a country one, but it works for what I think it’s meant for. Might not be exactly what it was originally intended for… but oh well. That’s what the song says to me, so it found itself there.


    It took me until now to realise that song didn’t upload right. Bastard.

  • I should make this a daily routine. By that, I mean actually doing things like this while sitting outside. God knows it’s warm enough now. And I’ve certainly got the free time… but I’m lazy. Ah well, lazy is fun but it’s nice out. Easy decision.
    Hmm. Apparently a book that was published 7 years after Shakespear’s death, which contains pretty original versions of most/all of his plays, is now up for auction. Without that book, so I read, anyway, plays like MacBeth would never have made it to this day and age. Which… I would have been perfectly fine with–it would have kept a good portion of my hair actually on my head. How’s that for a topic change?

  • So maybe hell’s frozen.

    I actually got out of the house and accomplished things today. Good lord what’s wrong with me? Went to the employment agency this morning, pretty much redid my resume. and… just… generally shot the shit with people there. Still not finding decent employment, but hey, I’m looking! Well, sorta. Then, this
    afternoon, went for coffee and generally shot the shit with my aunt… I really wasn’t in a mood to stay home all day, as if that wasn’t obvious. Before
    I realised it it was 10 to 3 and I’m just getting home. Time for a little roleplay on ES? Maybe possibly probably okay why not. RP time!

  • Stupid people shouldn’t be allowed to breed…

    So apparently heavy metal music is to be credited for saving some 20-year-old’s life after he was hit by a train. What he was even doing on the tracks is anyone’s guess but no one ever said these people were very bright–hell, they listen to heavy metal. He made the news, so I guess it wasn’t a complete and total uselessly stupid act. Was probably what he was aiming for anyway. When interviewed, his basic reaction to it was “Dood. I was just hit by a train.” Uh. Dood. You’re a fucking idiot.

    , ,
  • I think I’ll save my money.

    Well, so much for that idea. I’d planned to maybe kinda sorta possibly take in a movie, specificly Lucky Number Sleven, but I don’t think so. A couple reviews caught my eye, particularly this one, and well… I’ll keep my ticket money in my wallet, this time. Shouldn’t be surprised I suppose; it’s a Bruce Willis movie. *gags* No plot, no point, just people knocking people around. Someone should really suggest he retire and get it over with. Aside from maybe two of his movies, he’s a disappointment.

  • Work experience necessary?

    One of the job openings listed for a new office opening up about an hour from here for Teletech, a call center along similar lines as Online Support, pretty much insists you need 6 months work experience before they’ll even consider you. Which, I suppose, isn’t too bad. Except, of course, for the fact that without the work, you don’t get the experience. And, Online Support’s being all ditzy when it comes to hiring, so no experience for me. So, it’s back to looking and firing off applications and cursing the idiot who invented the job market. Or, at least, it’s back to the firing off of applications. The idiot who invented the job market can just burn in hell. Twice.

  • I don’t think I like this…

    There is still calls for snow. It’s April. IT’s baseball season. And we’re still calling for snow. Cruel and unusual, that. But then, this is the same person who’d of loved to have been done with snow after about, oh… December 26th. How’d that go? *scoff* It’s all cool and everything at around Christmas time. So, from about the 23rd to the 26th of December. Any time before or after that, and all it does is irritate the hell out of me. Not an easy thing to do as certain individuals who probably read this are verry well aware of. Ah well. Sucky weather for baseball, but I haven’t abandoned my hockey yet. *misses the playoffs already*


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