Category: employment

  • So this is what free time looks like…

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    Getting the big thing out of the way first because that’s how I do, but for the first time in a long time I’m without a job. The long and short of it is I was managed out (I’ll go into more detail when I’ve put some distance between me … Read the rest

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  • Employment is not the answer to the ODSP problem. Neither is a basic income.

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    I have a lot to say on the Ford government, and have had all kinds of time to say it so no need to start now, but one thing they have in common with the government they replaced is a focus on finding employment for people who can’t, or shouldn’t, … Read the rest

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  • 11 years late, but I now work from home. Or anywhere else I feel like.

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    I’ve always told anyone who’d listen that given the choice, I’ll always take–at a minimum–the option of working from home over shlepping to and from the office 5 days/week (or 4, per my last job). I’m not anti-office. Not even close. But I’m way, way more productive at home. And … Read the rest

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  • This was not what I meant when I said I wanted to try Corona.

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    If there’s one good thing that’s come out of this whole Covid-19 mess, besides me having time to actually do moderately useful things with this platform, it’s that I finally get to see how I’d do if I had a mostly working from home job. It helps that nothing about … Read the rest

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  • 7 months and still a geek.

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    So remember when I had all these plans for doing all this stuff and junk? Remember when that was going to be a thing? Yeah, neither do I. But apparently that was in August–7 months and 2 days ago, at least according to the last time I touched this website. … Read the rest

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  • So life happened. It’s still happening.

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    So a funny thing happened. I got all enthusiastic like about having some free time to do the geek things I’ve been putting off because academia. I even have, written down somewhere I’ve probably forgotten exactly where, very specific plans re: what I was hoping I might accomplish between the … Read the rest

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  • A job for me, but not with thee. Or, how to guarantee you don’t see my resume.


    It’s been a few years since I’ve done the job market thing. Since leaving college, I’ve pretty much lived there. That’s brought back some things that used to annoy me about job searches. Admittedly this isn’t most employers–and so far, I’ve not seen it from any of the supposedly average … Read the rest

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  • Academia says goodbye, all the crazy says hello.

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    TLDR: I need to do this more often, I’m out of practice, and still brain fried by academia. I also may not be finished. So I thought things would slow down once I was done with college things. And then I was done with college things, and haven’t stopped since. … Read the rest

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  • So how did you spend your summer vacation?

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    I’ve managed some kind of personal best–three months or so without having done more than respond to a few comments over here. Well, that and do the usual updating for security reasons and, um, malware prevention reasons. So why have I been quiet? Simply put, I need a vacation … Read the rest

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  • So this is what free time looks like…

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    It’s amazing what happens when you’re having to do all the things. Like, for instance, you’re undoubtedly going to realize you’re running out of room for things. That is my academic life. So when the end of April hit and another semester ended up falling away behind me, this meant … Read the rest

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