Category: stats

  • The month in readership, January 2022.

    I’ve been doing this for a month now and I’m still used to writing 2021. I figure that’ll change by approximately 2023. January’s been weird, but the weird–for the most part–has stayed away from this space. I mean, partially because I haven’t been talking about it, but mostly because people … Read the rest

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  • The month in readership, December 2021.

    I may not have been as active with this thing as I wanted to be, and I may have started a little later in the month than I’d planned, but that doesn’t mean the site hasn’t been getting attention. It may have gotten a little more attention, but somewhere along … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (May, 2013).

    So a half a forever ago, I made some vague thing about I’d remember to do these more often. Oh yeah, and also that I’d actually write more in this thing in general. Then I promptly flopped on both. But, better late than never, and all that crap. So, a … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (April, 2013).

    And now, after much forgetting to do this and much more procrastinating, it’s roughly time for one of these again. Just in time for me to start compiling the exact same list for the month of May. You’d think I’d have this down by now. Well, maybe those of you … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (March, 2013).

    So. You’re a me, and you’ve got things to blog. Do you: line everything up in a row and have at them, pile a couple dozen more things onto the list then sort of pluck away at 3, or say screw the whole damn thing and let the posts write … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (February, 2013).

    In which, shockingly enough, I manage to do this thing before March is a week old. Is there hope for me? Yeah, don’t count on it. Worth a shot, though. Oh–and I manage to do it in around all manner of technological breakage. Which, of course, just means next time … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (January, 2013).

    So. Here it is the last week of February, when folks have up and given me a metric ton of things to sort through for this month’s popular posts, and I’m just now knitting together the same damn thing for January. I blame a move, a possible change in schooling, … Read the rest

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  • 2012’s most popular posts. Finally.

    You should read my 2012 year in review. If you haven’t already read my year in review, go read it. Then come back to this. Because this is my take on *your* year in review, from a what caught your attention on this site perspective. In 2012, I sort of … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (December, 2012).

    Oh hey look, it’s only halfway through January and I remembered I actually do these! Maybe I’ll get the one for the year up sometime before june, yeah? Could happen. December was insanely crazy busy for the folks what bring you the occasional broken on this side of the site. … Read the rest

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  • Popular Posts (November, 2012).

    It has been way too freaking long since I’ve done one of these. Kind of a slacker type thing on my part–you know, like the rest of this whole blogging thing. But I still remember how, more or less. You guys have been busy during the month of November, bringing … Read the rest

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