Category: rantings

  • Can I have my hand back now?


    I love it when other people agree with me. Especially considering I used to actually be in college, so this was quite the uh, problem. Someone in my overly protective family, either my mom or someone who’d been badgered by my mom, would call almost every day, usually every second … Read the rest

  • Jehovah’s witnesses may be a little nuts at times, but…

    I can certainly see the point in this case. This time, it’s the Canadian court that wants to stick its nose where it doesn’t belong when it comes to certain people’s medical needs. A 15-year-old girl refused a blood tranfusion for religious reasons, and now British Columbia’s medical system is … Read the rest

  • Well, it killed an afternoon…


    Unfortunately, that’s all it did. I now remember why I don’t tell my grandmother anything… she flips like nothing else. I made the fatal mistake of mentioning I was thinking about taking up guitar lessons… you’d think I asked her to hand over a kidney and a thousand dollars the … Read the rest

  • Is your email getting through?


    Probably not, if it’s directed at a comcast user. Yesterday, the people who so generously put up with me opinionating all over the webspace they provide me had a few issues with emails to that ISP, be they forwarded or just sent the normal way, being blocked because of an … Read the rest

  • Careful who you whisper to about China’s sweatshops.

    You may end up sued for everything you’re worth and then some. Apparently, in response to claims that an iPod factory forces employees to work in substandard conditions, the company that owns that factory is now suing the reporters who wrote the story for 500 times the average wage for … Read the rest

  • Well, I guess it had to happen.


    First, I should probably point out that I haven’t RP’d there in ages. But, that said, before I stopped having time to RP there and still keep up with everything else, including some fairly interesting RP I’ve got going on elsewhere when I can manage to log on, I’d been … Read the rest

  • Now the NDP thinks it knows what Canadians want.


    Harper says we can’t spare the troops for Lebanon, Layton says we can. And James says who cares? Canada’s millitary spends more time overseas lately than they actually do *in* Canada. Yeah, yeah, I’m well aware we have a rep to keep up as peacekeepers. But Christ almighty, enough is … Read the rest

  • Prediction: the US bombs Iran by end of next year.


    Prediction based on what? Why, them damned weapons of mass destruction, you know. So, maybe if Iran keeps testing missiles, the US will decide Hussein didn’t keep them in Iraq, but hid them in Iran instead. Hey, it’s a stretch, but then again, at least there’s more evidence of at … Read the rest

  • If one more drunken family member hugs me this month…


    That sums up my experience at the reception tonight, which I should point out I left early. I could go into a detailed rant, but I don’t have the energy for it. Suffice it to say, though, when we got there, keep in mind this was like 8:00 or so, … Read the rest

  • They’re so like little children…


    Tell them no, and they see it as just another reason to go for it. And, in true little child fashion, Iran’s going ahead with all things nuclear. And we’re back to the whackjob comments… I really am running out of things to say about that country that no one … Read the rest

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