• The things you rip off other people’s blogs.

    Your Bumper Sticker Should Be

    Barbie is not a slut – her legs won’t open

    Hm. And this came up when I said I didn’t *have* a car. Stupid quiz.

  • A morning quiz?

    Apparently, this person didn’t want the result from the quiz I just took to be copied. Well, we don’t always get what we want. It won’t have the usual styles and whatnot as the others, but oh well.

    You would be a…. A Black Magic Demon.
    Your hunger for Power and Acknowledgement still burns in your soul.
    You like to cause fights so others will notice your well being and power, and because you like challenges.

    What kind of demon would *you* be? I can already answer that for a few people… *cough cough*

  • Reports of my death have been exagerated.

    Reports of my insanely illness, though, right on the money. No idea exactly what happened… I was perfectly fine most of yesterday. Well, fine enough that I still managed to joke around with people on ES for an hour or so anyway, before I rolled my fat ass into bed. Guess something I ate didn’t agree with me though, because I didn’t stay there long. But I’m still alive, and it obviously wasn’t a virus or anything, seeing as I’m perfectly fine now. I just wish I knew what the hell did it to me so I can not do it again. But, ah well. First time in like 3 years I got that sick, or sick at all, so maybe I was just due. In less related news, I’m still unemployed. At least I have nothing from which to call in sick.

  • House to myself, just the way I like it.

    I don’t have a clue how long it’ll last, of course, but I’ll take what I can get now that my brother and his oh so bitch girlfriend are gone to do whatever it is they do when they’re not here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for hanging out with people… but I have to tolerate them first. Neither of them come close to tolerable. So given the choice between them and the house to myself, I’ll take the latter. Which is what I have. Which works out just awesome for me. Antisocial? You’re damn right.

  • There’s something to be said for a rainy night, methinks.

    Ordinarily, that would put me right the hell to sleep. But for some odd reason tonight, no such luck. I dunno if it’s just because I’m thinking about things, or what, but this is the first time in a long time I’m up this early/late and don’t want to be. It’s odd, because I know full well I’m tired, and it’s probably gonna show up tomorrow morning and punch me in the face, but sleep just ain’t happening. Ah well. Maybe if I decide to do another quiz or two it’ll put me to sleep. In the meantime, I shall stick my playlist on random, watch whatever happens to be going on on ES, and flake out. I’d say RP, but there would be no RPing tonight. I’m braindead… my body just doesn’t want to join it.

  • Shall we make it 3 in 2?

    I do believe we shall. I haven’t the foggiest idea what it is I’ll put here, but I’m all for 3 posts in 2 hours anyway. Make up for the occasional entry that might have got missed in the rebuild. Not that I think any actually have, but with the way I tend to rebuild things, that wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. Ah well. At 6:00 AM EST, that will all become pointless. Yay backup scripts that do my backing up for me!

  • And now, some stress relief.

    Also, because I haven’t done one of these in a while. The newly restored database doesn’t lie!

    How are you going to die?

    bloody death: you have had a good life, but obviously, someone didn’t like you. They decided to rip out your intestines and hang you from the ceiling by them. It happens to the best of us…
    Take this quiz!

    Quizilla |
    | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code

    Something about this amuses me. But I’ve admited to being a *little* twisted.

  • First major blogging catastrophy averted!

    Of course, there wouldn’t have been a catastrophy in the first place if I’d actually, you know, thought what I was doing through last night. But that’s just me. So anyway. I was moving the database I use to a new server, which required that I download it from the old one. Well, in doing so, PHPMyAdmin decided it would screw up my backup of the database. And of course, stupid little old me didn’t think to set up the new database before deleting the old one, figuring, you know, the backup is stable enough it’ll work. Well, Murphy’s law dropped by to say hello, and anything that could go wrong… did. So, I spent half an hour cursing Murphy’s law last night, and cursing PHPMyAdmin, and 5 minutes slapping together a script that would prevent me from being stupid again. I’m no PHP expert, mind you, but it works! So, yes, I say I lost the database but the website appears for the most part to be intact. Well, it turns out that whehn I set this thing up *way* back at the end of January, I was actually thinking. You can faint now. Normally, I’d be the first to jump on the “static pages are bad” bandwagon. But in this case, staticly built pages saved my ass. Each and every entry had its own little HTML file that didn’t get squashed when I fucked up the database. And I still had the original template files from when I actually figured out what the hell I was doing with the site, so replacing those wasn’t hard. So the better part of the day, meaning up until I started writing this entry, was spent with just me, and the cut/paste commands while I rebuilt the site one tiny little entry at a time. But, with the exception of a few comments on one entry, fortunately the only entry that ever got comments, I think we’re all back together, patchwork and all. The moral of the story? Fuck you, Murphy’s law. I own you!

  • Well, I can go, but…

    To do so, it’s going to cost me probably around $192.30 for a round trip bus ticket. So, the reunion gets temporarily sidelined until I can invent me some
    more money. But, I’m at least on the guest list, so that counts for something. Ah well. On the bright side, it means I get to sit on my ass for another
    weekend. Lazy is such awesome goodness. And now, I go do crap before I RP. Yay doing crap.

  • Contemplative Planning

    I’m giving thought to calling up the temp agency my cousin works with, and asking what they can do for me. I’m not finding a damn thing so far as work goes in Pembroke, so moving to Ottawa seems to be the next likely option. Of course, likely does not a definite happening make. But, food for thought. And right now, my thought needs some serious foodage. So, temp agency it probably is. Right after I finish prettying up my resume… which I should probably post here eventually. Someone bloody well hire me already!


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