Category: Wordpress

  • In which WordPress lets me do with an interface what I used to do with code. 13 years later.

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    I don’t even know what version of WordPress I was using when I relaunched this site back in 2008. 2.something, I’m fairly sure. Either way, I’ve been using it for a bit–and yeah, some of the code that used to make this site go is evidence of that. As so … Read the rest

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  • More posts by email things.


    So a way back when, I found something that sort of did the trick for receiving posts by email. Mostly, except not really. It sent you your posts by email, but you got one email with anywhere from one to who knows how many posts depending on how active I … Read the rest

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  • WTN v 2.0, now with less breakage.

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    So there is news on the personal front that I’ll get to eventually. But at the moment, I’m up to my eyeballs in geek. The simple explanation why is actually to Google’s credit. The site fell victim to an apparent run-in with a significantly tricky spot of malware. It came … Read the rest

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  • Happy tenth birthday, #WordPress.


    I’ve been doing the blogging thing off and on for 7 years, give or take. In that 7 years, I’ve used several different platforms depending on what I was looking for and how much of a headache I wanted. I settled on using wordPress in March of 2009, when it … Read the rest

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  • In which WordPress 3.5 fixes menu accessibility. Sort of.

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    If you’ve jumped on the wordPress bandwagon recently, you know they’ve unleashed version 3.5 on the masses. You probably also know the huge thing they’re jumping all over is the improvements they’ve made to their media library. That is not, however, the huge thing I’m jumping all over. Since about … Read the rest

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  • Review: Postie for WordPress

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    So I mentioned I started experimenting with posting by email, for not the first time, on this blog. The plugin I tested for that purpose, the only one that before didn’t really overly irritate me, was Postie. For the most part, it does what it’s supposed to. General usage … Read the rest

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  • And another WordPress convert is born. … Maybe?

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    I’ve recently set May up with, uh, what we’ll call a playground of her own. Because, you know, being my girlfriend she should be entitled to *some* geekery every now and again. She’s wanted her own webspace for a bit, and needed a little extra support for at least one … Read the rest

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  • In which WordPress changes their API, busts a couple features. Oopsies.

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    This site has comments by email. This site also has posts by email, should you be sadistic enough to subscribe to it–hey, a couple of you have, so it’s relevant. Or it did, until approximately 2 hours ago. You see, WordPress released a slightly newish version of their software last … Read the rest

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  • In which WordPress and my server conspire to psych me out.

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    I’ve been making a fair few changes to things on this end lately. Mostly changes aimed at preventing things from falling flat on their faces. For the past few days, though, it’s been looking mostly like things were falling all over the place anyway. It started with my finally ditching … Read the rest

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  • In which ConfigServer quite possibly breaks WordPress. Oof.

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    I’ve been dabbling in the more involved server admin business for the past while. One of the things we’ve been experimenting with for the better part of a month is the firewall provided by ConfigServer. It’s halfway decent for what it does, as long as you’re not trying to … Read the rest

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