Category: olympics

  • Joannie goes shopping for bronze.

    And manages to come up with exactly that in figure skating, the first such metal since 88. It’s also Canada’s 17th metal of these olympics. For Joannie Rochette, though, it’s probably a hell of a lot more. Her mother died of a heart attack while in Vancouver to watch this … Read the rest

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  • Canada 2, USA 0 – Our girls are golden!


    Canada’s women’s hockey team just nailed us our 8th gold metal of these 2010 olympics, and it came in awesome fashion against the US–something hopefully our men’s team can duplicate when it comes their time. That’s the most gold metals Canada’s received in olympic history, topping our total in 2006. … Read the rest

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  • And because we can, a Canadian 1 2 punch. In bobsled.

    Rocking the gold, Heather Moyse and Kaillie Humphries nailed their run on a track many not from Canada were actually afraid of, if you read the news. Not to be left out of the standings, Helen Upperton and Shelley-Ann Brown squeezed in behind them for silver. Canada walks away with … Read the rest

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  • Have another silver, Canada. I knew you’d like it.

    The short track relay is apparently our girls’ thing. They pulled off Canada’s 13th metal accomplishment, this one in silver. Tania Vicent, Kalyna Roberge, Marianne St-Gelais and Jessica Gregg should all be soundly congratulated. Hell, congratulate Marianne twice–it’s her second metal of the games, after all.

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  • Clara Hughes skates to a bronze.

    The metal, Canada’s 12th, comes on the heels–literally–of a finish in 5000 meter speed skating. There’s a rumor or two it’s her final race. Well, if it is, hell of a way to go. Thanks, Clara.

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  • Ashleigh Mcivor goes gold.

    It happened yesterday in ski cross, and gave Canada its 11th metal. It also gave me an excuse to keep catching up on my various sources of information after my internet difficulties–posting on that comes later. Thanks, Ashleigh. Oh, yeah, and also. Team Canada is leading. No, wait, scratch that–owning. … Read the rest

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  • Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir strike gold.

    I didn’t even know ice dancing was an olympic sport, nevermind that we had people competing in it. But, it is, and we did. And they’re now gold metallists in the sport. We’ve hit double digits as far as metals go. Now if we could just politely ask the US … Read the rest

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  • Kristina Groves does that silver thing.

    Kristina missed gold by that much in 1500 meter speed skating on Sunday. She did walk out with Canada’s 9th, and her second, metal however.

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  • Burke flips off olympics critics. I salute you, Brian.

    It was going to happen eventually. someone was bound to speak up and put all this fake criticism of the olympics to bed. And wouldn’t you know, it’s the Leafs’ own GM. “I think that’s bullshit,” Burke said Saturday. “I’ve been to four Winter Olympics. This is the best one … Read the rest

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  • Days of gold, part 2: Jon Montgomery.

    Jon Montgomery took gold in the men’s skeleton last night. That brings Canada’s metal total to a somewhat respectable, sort of, fourth-place 8 including 4 gold. Wondering just what in the hell “skeleton” is, and why it would be in Canada’s winter olympics? I was, too.

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