Category: olympics

  • Om-nom-nomicron eats hockey. It should snack on the olympics next.

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    I have two weeks off work. When I scheduled this two weeks off work, I fully intended to spend it either in front of the TV watching professional hockey, or in a local arena watching nephew hockey. And this is why I don’t make plans–they change. This time, om-nom-nomicron changed … Read the rest

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  • Canada is golden!

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    I’ll freely admit I haven’t been a very good sports fanatic this olympics. I was all over it in 2010, to the probable irritation of 5 of the 6 that read the thing. But largely, I was all over the fact it was in Vancouver, and I actually had the … Read the rest

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  • Canada 3, USA 2–our boys are golden!

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    Don Cherry said victory was in the bag. Mike called it. I had a sneaking feeling. And on Sunday afternoon, we owned it. It took overtime, but Canada pulled off what we couldn’t even come close to 4 years ago. Ladies and gentlefolks, Canada has done exactly what we were … Read the rest

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  • Apparently, our men rock at curling. We’re golden.

    Another gold metal on Saturday. Another little known–at least by me–sport. But, I’ll take it. Canada’s men’s curling team took gold finally Saturday evening. Yeah, we definitely don’t suck.

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  • Another bobsled metal for Canada.

    Canada’s 4-man bobsled team worked its way to another metal on Saturday. This one bronze, and Canada’s second metal in the event–the women took one earlier in the games.

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  • Jasey-Jay Anderson comes up with slalom gold.

    Saturday was apparently golden hat trick day. Jasey-Jay Anderson snowboarded his way to another one in the parallel giant slalom. Yeah, pretty sure we have a brand new record for gold metals swiped. Smile, Canadians. We don’t suck.

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  • Still more gold, this one in team pursuit.

    Canada did it again, on Saturday. Speedskating team pursuit, courtesy of Mathieu Giroux, Lucas Makowsky and Denny Morrison this time. And, this time, I think we walked out of these olympics with a record amount of gold. Someone feel up to correcting me on that?

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  • Canada’s gold rush: 5000-meter speedskating relay.

    Canada’s relay team nailed our 21st metal of the games. And it’s a record tying gold. It also happened on Friday in the 5000-meter speedskating relay. Gees, deal with technical issues for a week and the team kicks ass. Sometimes, I love this country.

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  • A Canadian sandwitch in speed skating.

    Charles Hamelin walked away Friday night with yet another Canadian gold. A bronze went to Francois-Louis Tremblay followed him with a bronze. Both in 500-meter speed skating. Apparently, Friday was the day of metal if you’re a Canadian. Yes, I know, I’m 5 days behind. Oh well.

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  • Canada goes silver in womens’ curling.

    We have a second place finisher. Yeah, I’m a little behind–technical issues abound. Still. On Friday, Sweden knocked off Canada for the gold, but we walked out of that arena in second place. Not bad for a sport I didn’t think anyone still watched. Now, to finish catching up on … Read the rest

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