Popular posts (March, 2010).

Surprisingly, it’s been a fairly inactive/unproductive month. Very few jobs to look for, in spite of the whole theory that says the economy’s bouncing back, but plenty of time to spend with the girlfriend, the nephew, my now eliminated hockey team, and everyone else. I’ve even gotten a tiny bit political in my recently discovered free time. Here’s what folks found interesting in the month past, according to Google Analytics.

  • Convergys closes this month. Earlier in March, the city offered to help catch the employees that company threw under the bus. I wrote about it, and wondered why we didn’t see that kind of help when Dell went sideways. I still wonder.
  • The Ontario Disability Support Program, or ODSP, is right now the difference between my unemployed and apparently unhireable ass being in this apartment and on the street. In its current state, it’s not much of a difference. I called out the premier over it, to which I got a rather indifferent shrug of an email. I promptly called him again. Will it warrant another shrug?
  • My second letter was only sent a few days ago, in response to this small handout being given to us by the ministry of social services. combine that with the few taxes, user fees etc we’re getting thrown at us of late, and you can probably see the direction the math’s heading.
  • Folks are still taking an interest in the results of February’s olympics. Specificly, in Canada’s ice dancing gold metal. Yeah, I didn’t know ice dancing was an olympic sport either. Or that we had anyone competing in it. Shows what I know.
  • I’ve always believed the world’s got way too much time on its hands. Or at least, too many timezones. One seems like a good number, at least to me. I made my case for it, but no one’s listening yet. Well, except Russia, who’s already killed two of its zones.

Yeah, this blog’s about as random as it gets. From politics, to sports, to random gripes about timezones. But, hey, someone keeps reading it besides me. Now, maybe I can get more than a shrug out of Dalton McGuinty this month. Anyone taking bets?

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