Category: roleplay

  • Take that, Shadow Siege!


    Well, 3 years later and it looks like Shadow Siege is the one going downhill. This after, almost 3 years ago to the day, its co-owners were pretty much swearing up and down it would be Eternal Struggle that would fall apart once they left. There’s something satisfying about hearing … Read the rest

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  • Commic relief to the max, or something.


    Everyone who bothers to actually read this already knows I’m an avid roleplayer. And, they also know the majority of said roleplay occurs on Eternal Struggle. So I won’t bother with mentioning that in future. Not that anyone reads this really, but you know… So, I’ve gone and created … Read the rest

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  • You know too much is happening when you don’t have time to blog.


    Well, on the bright side, part of the too much that’s happening is I’m back on staff at Eternal Struggle, better known as that place that’s stolen all my RP ability. So when I can I’ve been getting caught up with things there and helping out wherever. Aside from … Read the rest

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  • I have way too much fun…


    … laughing at people who get so wrapped up in the idea of a game. And it wasn’t even a good game, either. Star Conquest, the original game written, owned and run by Squid Soft, is supposedly eventually coming back online sometime between now and the day hell freezes … Read the rest

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  • I think I have personality issues.

    One should not go from one extreme to the other so easily as I managed to do last night. People who aren’t interested in roleplaying can feel free to skip to the quizes. Or go elsewhere. I recommend Part of the night last night was spent playing a … Read the rest

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  • Some melodrama with your roleplay?


    Just once I’d like a roleplaying game without the politics. Yeah, it’s not a world-changing issue but I don’t care. I play, well used to play, 2 RPG’s, one of which has been shut down now for 4 months or so–I still play the other. Both games, however, are pretty … Read the rest

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