Warm it up, Chris.

During last night’s bit of pre-festivities festivities, we got to talking about music we ended up growing up with–conveniently, while listening to a small subset of the music we grew up with. Somehow we ended up on the topic of the old rap band “Chris Cross”. And I’ve had one of their, well, less annoying songs in my head since. So early this morning I stumbled across a video of it. And, after watching it a second time–this time without the issues of a less than stable connection, I’ve decided it’s no less annoying 13 years later than it was back then. Except I still grew up with it. And, since I did end up actually liking this song at some point during my somewhat questionable childhood, have a video. Can’t vouch for quality of video, but I’m only slapping it up here for the song. Enjoy, and thank God backwards jeans didn’t actually catch on.

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