Category: birthday

  • Happy birthday, Aidan!


    The only relative of mine currently unable to read this blog anytime in the near future officially turns 1 today. And holy crap has he managed to grow like a bad weed. He’s dangerously close to standing on his own, and as long as he has something to hold onto … Read the rest

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  • Last big weekend in Rochester, summarized. Awesome.

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    I may have spent the last 3 days playing catch-up on what happened over the weekend, but the weekend was still far worth it. It was pretty well back to back cellebrating of one thing or another–first with a belated wedding shower for a couple friends of ours on Saturday, … Read the rest

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  • And sometimes, the party comes to you.

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    Our second last day here in Rochester was yesterday. Conveniently, it also doubled as Jessica’s birthday. In cellebration of the latter, we decided to do the bbq thing. So we hit the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, also known as quite possibly the best I’ve had since the last time we did it … Read the rest

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  • Another year way beyond awesome.


    I have no idea how in the hell she manages to do it, but on both of the birthdays I’ve been around for, she’s managed to make herself appear just a little bit more inteligent, and little bit more relaxed, and just all around a little bit more the girl … Read the rest

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  • Go shorty, it’s your birthday…

    Before it completely slips my apparently protesting mind altogether, happy freakin’ birthday, Katia (katia-chan)! Hopefully this trip around the sun’s as good as or better than the last one for you. And goddammit, try and have a *little* fun, eh? Don’t make me get a gang together and … Read the rest

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  • PS:

    Because stupid me forgot and I’m too lazy to pull up that entry to tack it on the end, and because it sort of deserves its own entry anyway, happy 27th, Katie (silly-singer)! Yes, by my clock it’s a little tiny bit on the belated side. You’ll live. … Read the rest

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  • Happy birthday!

    I’ve taken a break from fighting with my internet (details to come when I’m not being disconnected every 10 minutes) to wish a very on time happy birthday to ye almighty Liz (unsilenceddream)! Hopefully this trip around the sun’s as good as or better than the last one … Read the rest

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  • The day that was, and who ate my heat?

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    Jessica’s birthday went off without so much as a hickup. We spent the majority of the day just hanging out and talking, and I gave her her next and last birthday gift. It was a foot warmer from mom, which turned out to be appropriate thanks largely to the fact … Read the rest

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  • Up, but not necessarily awake.

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    As generally hinted at by other entries posted here, Jessica (samari76) made it here with absolutely no difficulty whatsoever. Well, once she found herself a bus that was actually leaving when it was supposed to. She managed to get herself aboard the bus leaving at 8:15, since her … Read the rest

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  • This post took way too damn long.

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    Yes, I know, I should have posted forever ago. Deal with it. Anyway, things have been steadily doing that thing where they both calm down and pick up at the exact same time over the past week or so. The visit with jessica (Samari76) ended as wonderfully as … Read the rest

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