Home » tech stuff » Support for windows 8 ended on Tuesday. downgrade to Windows 7 now.

Support for windows 8 ended on Tuesday. downgrade to Windows 7 now.

Microsoft does this far too often to be healthy. They’ll release a halfway decent version of Windows, give it a year or several to run its course, then push out a flopper as a replacement. The flopper goes flop, Microsoft realizes perhaps they might not oughta have done that, so they come back with a slightly less floppy version. Meanwhile, they’ve pulled support for the not-so bright idea, while the version of Windows it was supposed to replace… goes on relatively untouched for a while yet. It happened with that thing that came out before Windows XP–yeah, you know the one. It happened with Vista. And now, it would appear, it’s happening with Windows 8. Effective this past Tuesday, Microsoft killed it. So if you were running that in the hopes of holding out until windows 10 fixed its multiple issues, you’re out of luck. Bright side: they’ll still support Windows 7 for the time being–and that, at least, lacks some of the things Windows 10 needs fixing. Not-so-bright side: you didn’t have plans for this weekend, did you?

Looks like Microsoft pulled support for Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 at the same time, but you weren’t running that anyway, right? Right. Carry on. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be over here not upgrading my OS.


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