It’s official. Charity is insanity.

If you were to suddenly come into a bit of extra money, odds are pretty good you’d consider–at least for 5 seconds–giving some of it to the homeless, or some officially recognised charity of some sort. That is, provided it didn’t all go towards paying off this or that bill or whatever. If I guessed even remotely right, congratulations. You’re officially mentally ill. That’s the logic employed in Prince Edward Island, where a man was hospitalised and forceably medicated because he handed his extra cash to folks he thought could use it more than him.

Chelsey Rene Wright said her father Richard Wright was arrested by RCMP.

“They think he is sick and has mental issues, but I know he does not,” Chelsey Rene Wright wrote on her Facebook wall, saying her father is being force-fed medications.

Wright says her father was told March 19 he would be held for 28 days for evaluation.

She said her father “had some extra money so he decided to share it around with some homeless and needy people in Halifax” last week.

Yep, clearly the man’s lost his everloving mind. Lock him up but good. Or, you know, don’t. That can be a thing too. Love ya, RCMP.


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