Criminology 101: some DIY required.

I often wonder if some of the folks who end up doing the kind of things what land them in handcuffs actually have people they go to for, you know, learning’s sake. I mean things like how to get in, get the junk and get out without being stupid enough to get yourself caught. And then I get to wondering, if there were an actual, honest to god educational course on the subject, what would it look like?

If the name wasn’t taken already, I’d think they’d hand it something along the lines of criminology. Hell, some places still might–I mean it’s the study of criminal activity, right? So does it matter much if it’s to study how to counter the activity, or how to pull it off relatively seemlessly? Or maybe they’re kind of one and the same–if you’ve taken the course, you probably know what not to do, so presumedly you wouldn’t be stupid enough to actually do it. Presumedly.

Then I took it a step farther in my internal buildings of the unofficial law breaker’s handbook. If there was an actual course geared towards helping people to be better, less braindead criminals, what kinds of things would it teach? What kinds of things would you already need to possess to actually get into the course? Presumedly you’d need to be the do-it-yourself type, at least for the most part and on at a minimum a basic level. You know, know how to cover your ass at least until you’re away from the place you just robbed and you can slap a bandage on the cut you walked away with after breaking in. Things like that. Some common sense might also be a pretty basic requirement for a course like that–for instance, if injury is obtained during the performance of the following activities, proceed immediately to an authorized–non-law-abiding–medical facility. Do not call 911. Calling 911 will result in your immediate arrest and withdrawal from the program. On the other hand, I suppose the folks what might have developed that idea are probably finding it a little tough to nab some of that there government funding…

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