Very occasionally, I’ll pull a random search statistic out of the pile and toss it up here, Usually because at the time there was some degree or several of amusement in its timelyness–or, even, the timing of when I actually manage to find it. Take, well, this one for instance.
Oct 16 6:50am: how to piss off bell canada
Well… If you’re me, you put as much effort into downloading as much crap as you can as quickly as you can, then cancel your service–after bouncing off half a dozen managers who have absolutely no idea what they’re doing, and who’s jobs I could likely teach my technologically challenged mother to do and come out with pretty well better results all across the board. As you can probably figure, there’s a Bell rant brewing. Still. That rant is not today. But feel free to find equally creative ways to piss off Bell. They probably deserve it for something or another.