Bored. Ergo, meme.

1: Type in “[your name] needs” in the Google search:
James Needs A Hat

2: Type in “[your name] looks like” in Google search:
James looks like a walking suitcase.

3: Type in “[your name] does” in Google search:
St James does a U-turn.

4: Type in “[your name] hates” in Google search:
James Hates You

5: Type in “[your name] goes” or “..has gone” in Google search:
James has gone on a travel adventure.

6: Type in “[your name] loves” in Google search:
James Loves Katie.
… He does not.

7: Type in “[your name] eats” in Google search:
James eats peas

8: Type in “[your name] has” in Google search:
James has shot at redemption

9: Type in “[your name] died” in Google search:
James died in flat fire tragedy

10: Type in “[your name] won’t” in Google Search:
James Won’t Get Out Of Bed

11: Type in “[your name] can’t” in Google Search:
James can’t save Cavs despite memorable game
… Uh, memorable for who?

Okay, that’s done nothing for the boredom. I’m off to pay attention to this call.

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