murlynns_view passed her driver’s test. She is now no longer under the thumb of the evil empire that is MTO (read: a fully licensed motorist). And all I can really say is it’s about goddamn time.
murlynns_view passed her driver’s test. She is now no longer under the thumb of the evil empire that is MTO (read: a fully licensed motorist). And all I can really say is it’s about goddamn time.
4 responses to “Yay!”
That’s great! Did she have a permit before?
She did, of sorts. One of these days when we’re both bored to tears I’ll explain our screwed up licensing arangements.
Ok. I looked for you on line after you messaged me, and you disappeared.
You didn’t look very hard, ‘cuz I was around almost all night.
No matter, just IM me whenever you want to. I’ll answer when I see it if not right away. 🙂