Home » baseball » Bluejays » End of season mumblings: Jose Bautista’s on steroids.

End of season mumblings: Jose Bautista’s on steroids.

Okay, so maybe he’s not. I don’t really know. But over the last month or so, he’s pretty much exploded–in the form of a team record piercing home run performance. And you know someone’s gonna ask the question in the offseason if they haven’t already. They asked it of Barry Bonds after his performance–and, yes, he apparently was, they asked it of Mark McGuire after his performance–I don’t remember if he was or not, honestly, so yeah they’ll probably ask it of Bautista. Whether he was or not, it was a twice awesome run. And, while it’d be wicked cool if he did it without the roids, I can’t say I’ll be overly surprised when they ask if the answer’s yes. And who knows, maybe my record for actually watching the game will improve next year because of it. Hey, it could happen. In the meantime, playoffs or no, it was a hell of a run. And the team as a whole didn’t suck this year either. There’s hope for Toronto sports teams yet.

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