Category: ODSP

  • An open letter to Charles Sousa: Please don’t fubar ODSP.


    I’m a little late to the party, but welcome to the fold, Charles. Taking over the finance ministry after the hot mess of the last, oh we’ll say 10 years can’t be what you were looking for when you ran for office. But, I suppose congratulations are still in order, … Read the rest

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  • ODSP cuts costs again, figures you’ll make it up out of pocket.


    It’s been a long time since I got to do one of these, largely because while things haven’t really improved a whole lot, they’ve not done much in the opposite direction either. That apparently changed at some point in January. I needed to hit the hospital this past week to … Read the rest

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  • And now, a Canadian conspiracy theory.

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    Have I mentioned that I do love a halfway decent conspiracy, if the theorist behind it puts just a teeny tiny little bit of thought into it? No? Well I have now. The problem with most theories, a la the type you’ve seen in the last few years from south … Read the rest

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  • Some food for thought for Ontario’s government: “Just get a job” doesn’t solve the ODSP problem.

    I’m taking the week off from all manner of mockery, but as this affects several people who read this blog, and as I’ve kind of been–well–sitting on the government’s head over this for quite a while, It could use to be posted. This pretty much explains why just going out … Read the rest

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  • The google’s been reading my mind. Or: why I should not know the answer to this query.


    I’ve been in a situation where this search actually applied. It sucks, but hey, whatcha gonna do? If someone else is looking, aim them here. If, uh, they haven’t come here already. May 19 2:44pm: will odsp pay your hydro bills if you cant fortunately, or not, depending on your … Read the rest

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  • More random ODSP searches.


    I said I’d do more of these. Then I, uh, promptly fell off a cliff. So this one’s quite old. The searcher probably found what they were looking for already. But, you know. You’ll have that. May 17 11:55am: minimum wage vs odsp There’s not much of a comparison here. … Read the rest

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  • I used to be this naive.


    Then, I got me an education real fast. From today’s random glance at search stats: Jul 20 9:05pm: will odsp try to employ me or just pay me Don’t we all wish. Sadly, neither ODSP or the CNIB will do much for employment up here–despite the insistence by some folks … Read the rest

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  • I could teach this Googler a thing or two.

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    You know I have too much free time when I can pluck a random search query out of the statistics for today and turn it into a blog post. Today’s random Google question comes from this side of the border–and this province, I’d imagine. May 25 11:15am: ODSP how can … Read the rest

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  • The myth of online privacy, or why the ODSP’s activities fail to surprise me.

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    I wrote last Friday that the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) has taken to threatening law enforcement action were I to show up at the meeting that was supposed to have taken place on Monday morning. Yeah, that one that was scheduled for a teleconference later on that same afternoon–more … Read the rest

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  • ODSP decides they don’t like me after all, threatens to have the police meet me.

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    Seems them what run the disability support system around here haven’t gotten done having fun with me yet. At the eleventh hour, escentially, with an hour left in the actual business day and therefore not a whole lot of time to actually work around their latest curve, ODSP decides they’d … Read the rest

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