I… might… be employed.

As I sort of hinted at earlier this week, I wound up with an interview scheduled for this past Wednesday. Which, actually, was rather convenient since that was my planned return home date anyway. Mom had a doctor’s appointment that morning, though apparently on a whim she decided it’d be much more fun to skip that. I dunno, I’m smart enough not to try getting inside her head. We *planned* to be on the road about 8:00 or so. Instead, it ended up being closer to 9:30 or 10:00 before we even got as far as the gas station. After that, though, it was pretty well clear sailing to Ottawa. We swung past my apartment so I could pick up a couple things, then headed for the interview. Got there 5 minutes late, but largely because the directions we followed to get to said place had us going out past city limits, then coming back in. Google, you disappoint me. The interview itself lasted maybe half an hour. He basicly quizzed me on all manner of customer servicey type stuff, sort of “what would you do/how would you react if…” type situations. He asked me to bring references with me, which near the end of the interview he said he’d be contacting. Apparently, there’s 15 contract positions he’s trying to fill that are due to expire in mid march. From those 15, he says, 6 of them will more than likely move on to occupy permanent positions. I sort of semi-like my chances of getting on permanently with those numbers, not that I expect it to be something I’d stick with permanently. But, as I told a few people after getting out of that interview, it’s something to fill the gap between several months of unemployment and that job that actually happens to be in my field. If something comes up that makes me think maybe, even if it happens to be halfway through the contract position, I’m sure as hell still going for the interview. Absolute worst case at that point, my start date is effective the monday after the termination of my contract, permanent offer or no. And the beauty of working here, even if it turns out to be on a full time basis, is theytry to keep a 2 days on, 2 days off rotation. So I can still work my ass off, and schedule an interview for one of my free weekdays. So, while I’m still unemployed, there’s now a questionmark next to it. As opposed to the questionmark being beside length of unemployment. Which… well, there’s still one there, but oh well. Can’t have everything going my way all at once now.

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