The rest of the visit, and new years.

As is to be expected, after my last post Jessica (samari76) and I pretty much just hung out and did that thing where we were several different kinds of lazy. Y’know, like we’d planned on doing. Sunday was her departure date, so we just wanted to enjoy what was left of our week together. When Sunday did finally get here, I let her sleep most of the morning, with her having gotten up at about 10 or so. We took our time in getting things ready for her to leave, and at about 1:00 or a little after, I called the cab to get her to the bus station. I sat with her until they pre-boarded her at just after 2, and then cabbed it home. She called me at each major stop, so I was able to keep an eye and make sure it wasn’t too difficult to get her home before it became too insanely late for her to bother with actually going to work. Her bus to Buffalow ended up not leaving Toronto until half an hour or so later than it was supposed to, which put her off schedule by just enough that she missed her connecting bus to Rochester. The next one wasn’t due to pull out until quarter to 3, so naturally, she was more than a little tiny bit on the pissed off side. Apparently though, at about 1:00 or so she was able to get aboard a bus that was passing by Rochester enroute Seracuse, I believe, and the driver had offered to drop her in Rochester on the way even though he wasn’t actually scheduled to stop there. So, she was able to get home at about 2:00 or a little after that, at which point she ended up calling me to let me know. She was supposed to get in at just after midnight, so all things considered we weren’t doing entirely too bad there. She went to bed pretty much right after talking to me, and the rest of the week so far has been business as usual.

I still haven’t the slightest idea what either of us will be doing for new years, though. My parents apparently just plan to sit around at home and watch movies, and the last I’d heard, Trish and her husband were planning on doing the same in Ottawa. So my new years plan may very well consist of kicking it around the apartment here and enjoying the fact I don’t have to be anywhere to attend any family functions. As far as I know, Jess’s plans for new years have pretty much fallen through, so hopefully she’ll be able to come up with a back-up. I think she mentioned something about getting together with a few folks and cracking open something alcoholic, but we’ll see if that ends up going through. I was supposed to have been there with her, but my lack of finances this month have sort of made that not happening in the worst way. So instead, we’ll both just have to settle I guess for a phone call at or about the stroke of midnight. Ah well, I’ll just crack open a coke, or a beer, and watch the ball drop on CNN or something. I’m not hard to please.

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4 responses to “The rest of the visit, and new years.”

  1. Hey, I’m a friend of Jess’s, so I hope you don’t mind me commenting. I’m finally able to read journals due to my laptop being quick slow/crappy as of late.
    Sucks you and Jess can’t hang out for New Years. hopefully you’ll be able to see each other sometime soon. I know how sucky finances are as well as long distance relationships.

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