That was just a warm-up.

So apparently we had what was supposed to pass for a thunderstorm tonight. Which added up to a grand total of 1 major thunder clap, and about 10 minutes of real good rain. Come on. I’ve walked in worse storms than that in January. I know, I know, plenty of summer to come yet. God I hope there’s better storms than that on the horizon. Nothing knocks me out like a good thunderboomer.


3 responses to “That was just a warm-up.”

  1. It rained quite a bit over this way. We got some impressive thunder, and I got to go stand out on the big wooden deck in my bare feet and PJs to enjoy part of the storm, but I’ll agree that I still would have liked more. 🙂

    • If I had a deck I’d probably have done the same damn thing. Sadly, I settled instead for just opening the windows and securing the curtains. Sometimes, no roommates is awesome.

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