So I’ve decided…

Shortly after cancelling my Sympatico account, I considered how best to take full advantage of the fact Bell will, as of the 27th of this month, no longer be able to directly screw me over. And I’ve decided, I can only do so by beating them to the punch, and promptly screwing them over. So, this morning (that would be on the 5th, naturally, as I’ve not yet learned to start that whole sleeping thing before midnight), I promptly deleted every TV show, movie, trailer, whatnot I have ever downloaded on this connection; approximately a year’s worth of material. And kept the torrents around. You can probably see where this is going. I’m now going to see exactly how long it takes me to download every single one of them again. Because I’m just that awesome. I figure, I have exactly 3 weeks from today/tomorrow, depending on your perspective, to waste 60 GB of bandwidth before they officially cancel me and I can switch over to TekSavvy. I think I can download most of it by then. And for the record, I’ve got a 500 GB hard drive. It was more than 3/4 full. You do the math. I’m too busy being highly amused.

PS: Fuck you, Bell.


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