Home » oops » Note to self: do not try troubleshooting the intarwebz at 5:00 in the morning.

Note to self: do not try troubleshooting the intarwebz at 5:00 in the morning.

Unless you’re already very familiar with the brand of modem you’re troubleshooting. Sadly, I am forced to admit at the moment, I’m not. So setting up the new modem will wait until tonight, when I’ve had a chance to read up on it and figure out how the hell to cold reset the sucker so it can actually be useable. In the meantime, someone had been repeatedly urging me to grab some sleep and I have been ignoring her. I shall correct that now, for all of… half an hour.


2 responses to “Note to self: do not try troubleshooting the intarwebz at 5:00 in the morning.”

  1. “someone had been repeatedly urging me to grab some sleep and I have been ignoring her.”

    I dare say that ignoring is not the way you are deemed “teh awesome.” *wink*

    Here is to you actually heeding a woman’s advice someday.

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