An immigration judge and former politicion (go figure, eh?) pretty much said the only way a South Korean woman would not be deported is if she had an affair with him, and told absolutely no one. Now, keep in mind that while she was being propositioned, her boyfriend, who was also one of the people she was explicitly told not to tell, was standing presumeably a few feet away–close enough, at least, that the exchange was able to be recorded. Sorry, judge, but Canada is *not* such a perfectly paradise-like country wherein anyone would be desperate enough to actually do that just to stay here. Neverminding the fact that no decent person would just let any decision that resulted from that conversation stand. I’m quite sure they could have held that video and royally fucked him over when he tried to have her deported, much like he was trying to fuck her over by threatening her with it, but obviously she was raised better than that. Well, now, not only does the judge not get laid, but he’ll probably either be fired or forced to resign, and my guess is whatever’s left of his marriage is about to go right down the crapper. No need for an affair now, pal. You’re about to be single again. We shall add your name to the list of good-for-nothing losers deserving of being lined up and summarily shot for lacking in a brain. I still plan to motion we shoot one every Wednesday…