And we start all over again.

On one hand, I’m mildly encouraged by the fact I’m now exactly where I was almost 2 weeks ago, but on the other, I was kind of expecting to be a little farther along in the proceedings by now. But, I feel a little more confident, at least, in saying I’ll actually be able to start this time in December as opposed to the before speculated January. Thank the gods for the huge rental listing that appears to be the Ottawa Citizen. At the moment, I have 3 definite places to look at on Monday, and 2 that I’m hoping will call me back today, to make it 5 in all. I’m leaning dangerously close to confirming that December start date with Dell, too, so the sooner that gets done, over with and settled, the sooner we can get that going. Damn, do I ever feel accomplished. That didn’t take much at all.

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