Category: quizzes

  • What’s your summer love style?

    ‘Cuz I have a couple minutes before hockey. Your Summer Love Type is Go With the Flow A great summer love may be in the cards for you … or not. You’ll have a fantastic time this summer, taking what comes. What you want is flexible – what you’ll get … Read the rest

  • Will you be a multimillionaire?

    I’m bored. *shrugs* Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 68% You have a good chance of being a multimillionaire. Better than most people. You simply have a natural knack for money and the personality for success. Will You Be a Multimillionaire?

  • What kind of intelligence do you have?

    Because I can’t think of anything else to put here. Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence Every part of your life has a beat, and you’re often tapping your fingers or toes. You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time.… Read the rest

  • I almost avoided one of these…

    Thanks a lot, Stacie. *rolls his eyes* List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether or not they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but the must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with … Read the rest

  • How intuitive are you?

    You Are 60% Intuitive Your intuition is often right, and you use it more than you may realize. Your gut feelings are usually a good guide, but you need more to go on when making a decision. You’ll often check to see if the facts back up your feelings. And … Read the rest

  • How’s your attitude?

    Your Attitude is Better than 70% of the Population You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you. How’s Your Attitude? Until they piss me off. Then they discover what I’ve been saying for years. I’m … Read the rest

  • Are you romantic or realistic?

    You Are A Romantic Realist You are more romantic than 50% of the population. You tend to be grounded when it comes to romance. Sure, you can fall hard… but only for someone you’ve gotten to know. And once you’re in love, you can be a total romantic goofball… But … Read the rest

  • How logical are you?

    You Are Not Logical Logic is obviously not a talent of yours Or maybe your brain is totally fried today Try again later! How Logical Are You? Duh… I coulda told you that. Logic is for people who actually make sense. I never claimed to.

  • Are you a slacker?

    You Are 20% Slacker You are anything but a slacker. You’re truly a go getter. You never let laziness get in the way of living your life – and you can’t stand to see it in others. Are You a Slacker? Well, that’s one quiz with a bit of a … Read the rest

  • What’s your personality cluster?

    Your Personality Cluster is Introverted Thinking You are: Objective, honest, and credible Intellectually curious, with many diverse interests More inclined toward ideas than people Fiercely independent and unapologetically unconventional What’s Your Personality Cluster?

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