As I suspected, the dads lose.

Yesterday I made mention to an ongoing court case involving child support payments and the dads who do not pay. Now, a decision’s been handed down that I rather like. Retroactive support payments are the in thing. To throw my own interpretation of the ruling at it, because I just can’t resist trying to decode a little law here and there, to me, it sounds a lot like exactly what I said in that entry yesterday. That being, if you’re told you’re paying 15% of your anual income for child support, then that’s what you’re paying. And if you don’t, the courts can make you cough it up at once. I don’t *think* this changes support laws in the sense that you’re not absolutely forced to pay child support–I think a lot of that can still be decided upon between the divorcing couple. But, if child support is in the cards, then the agreed upon amount for support can now be proactively enforced at the court level. Like I said, something I can finally agree with.

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